Accessories: Items such as scarves, earrings, handbags & shoes that are used to enhance a wardrobe.
Advance: Money provided to a Talent prior to the completion of a contract, or prior to the payment of such monies to their Agency or Manager.
Advertising Agency: A company which oversees the direction of an ad campaign. They are
frequently responsible for the hiring of producers, art directors, photographers, talents, etc.
Advertising Layout: A sketch or draft of a planned advertisement showing the intended
result of the printed piece or recording.
AFTRA: The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. This is a union, which has recently merged with the SAG union (see also SAG below) and is currently known as SAG-AFTRA. Sag-Aftra negotiates on behalf of performers who have paid dues to become members of their organization and/or who seek to work with advertisers and advertising agencies who have signed contracts with Sag-Aftra allowing them to hire UNION performers. UNION bookings are at minimum scale fees as found in the Sag-Aftra contracts, or at negotiated above minimum scale fees via a talent’s agency or manager.
Agent: A person who helps arrange contracts and establishes contacts to promote Talents
that he/she represents.
Art Director: The person who creates and oversees the art work for an advertising assignment.
The Art Director works on the set of a shoot to develop the overall image of the finished product.
Assignment: A job for which a talent is hired. Also called a booking.
Audition: A try-out for a job. Video performers are recorded on-camera, audio performers are recorded digitally, and Digital photos are generally taken of still performers.
Billing Form: Talents use this to record the details of a particular assignment. (AKA Voucher). Details include time started and finished, the client name and billable items.
Book(noun): A Talent portfolio.
Book(verb): To arrange for a Talent to do a particular job.
Booker: A Talent Agency or Management Company employee who negotiates rates and other details for a Talent's bookings. (Also called Agent or Manager)
Booking Conditions: The provisions of a booking which specify the terms under which the
Talent will work. (i.e., a talent may be required in the booking conditions to work overtime, wear lingerie, or
work in smoke)
Booking: An assignment or job related to any areas of the talent industry.
Buyer: A person who does purchasing for a firm.
Buyout: A lump sum payment given by a client to a Talent instead of residuals on an ongoing campaign.
Call Time: The time a performer is to be on set and ready to
Callback: A second, or occasionally, third time a talent meets with
prospective clients. A
callback is a good indicator that a talent is being given serious
Cancellation: Termination of the booking. There is normally a time limit within which a cancellation must be made. The negotiations in place generally spell out the particular cancellation fee should one be due. Unless a specific job has been negotiated differently, LLL’s cancellation policy on a print or non-union talent cancellation is 24 hours prior to the booking, or a fee of one hour will be charged. Half-fee will be charged for cancellation of a day-rate booking. Monday bookings must be cancelled by 3pm Friday afternoon.
Casting Director: An individual charged with overseeing the selection process of a casting.
Casting: A selection process whereby talent are viewed and considered for an upcoming
assignment. Please refer to the LLL Casting Services section of this site.
Catalog/Catalogue: A category of print modeling which involves models displaying products
with the goal of making the products desirable to consumers.
Cattle Call: A large scale casting where talent are quickly reviewed and very little interaction occurs between those doing the casting and those being seen.
Catwalk: Another term for the runway used in fashion shows.
Change Sheet: A large cloth put on the floor of a change room during a fashion show to
protect clothes. It is also called a drop cloth because often during quick changes clothes are dropped
quickly so a new outfit can be put on.
Checker: 1) The person backstage at a fashion show who checks the outfit and model prior
to them entering the runway to make sure all the details have been attended to.
2) A person that speaks a foreign language and monitors another talent for
accurate pronunciation in a recording session utilizing that language.
Chromes: Another name for slides (photography).
Client: The person, group, or company that hires talent.
Closed Set: An area open only to those involved in the production of the image. Those
usually allowed on set are the talent, photographer and photographer's assistant or director, cameraman and
production people the director considers necessary for the scene.
Collection: A designer will call all the costumes s/he has designed that season "my
collection". Also called "Line".
Commercial or Character Model: A special type of talent needed for an assignment who
does not have to be beautiful, but should be skilled in character expressions. Often is a stage actor or actress.
Composite: A printed paper with pictures of the talent in different poses. The talents' name and vital statistics, along with Lori Lins Ltd's name, address & phone number is printed on it. It is a marketing tool used to solicit work for the performer from the Client.
Conflict: This term refers to advertising campaigns that are similar in product or message. Usually clients will not want a talent that has done a recent campaign for their competition. It is the client's responsibility to inform the agency or manager of the product and campaign. It is then the Talent Agency or Manager’s responsibility to check for prior conflicts and in turn the talent's responsibility to ensure there are no conflicts if accepting the assignment.
Contact Sheet: A photo paper sheet that displays the images from the negatives of a roll of film.
Also called proof sheets. It gives those selecting pictures a chance to preview the images before deciding
which prints to enlarge.
Contact: A person in a similar or related industry that is a valuable resource.
Contract: A signed agreement stating the conditions under which an arrangement
will occur.
Convention: See Trade Show cross reference.
Costume: A term usually used by designers, referring to a garment; or the wardrobe that a
talent is being asked to provide on set.
Creative Director: The person who heads up the team that creates the ideas for an
advertising campaign.
DAT: A tape form of sound or music storage.
Day Player: An on-camera performer in an industrial/non-broadcast or feature film speaking dialog with another performer, or with a limited speaking or non-speaking role.
Day Rate: A price agreed to prior to a booking that encourages clients to hire a talent for
a specified period (usually 8 hours) at a price lower than the hourly rate.
Demo: 1) Samples of a talents work that are utilized in the sale of the talent's abilities. 2) A job that a talent is hired for that allows a client to present their creative ideas to their prospective client to secure an advertising campaign.
Director: The person who is in charge of the production on set.
Dressers: Backstage assistants at a fashion show who assure the proper care of clothing
and assist the talent in preparation.
Drop Cloth: Cross reference with Change Sheet.
Ear Prompter: A device, either attached to a recorder (or wireless) that is put in a
talents ear to allow them to hear a script and then repeat it back during a performance. This allows the
performer to make script changes last minute without previous memorization.
Editorial: A category of modeling or photography referring to projecting mood, feeling,
opinion, or storyline into pictures. These are generally fashion assignments used for magazine article
support or cover design.
Exclusive: 1) An arrangement between the Talent Agency or Manager and the talent whereby the talent is solely promoted and represented by the Talent Agency or Manager. 2) An arrangement between the client, the Talent Agent or Manager and the Talent, that specifies the talent works only for that client. Generally this arrangement is for a specific product or market area.
Exhibit Model: Talent who host/ess conventions or handle promotion assignments. They
may hand out brochures, souvenirs or pose and attract people to a product or display. Also called promotion
Expense Form: A sheet retained by talent to keep track of relevant expenses related to the
industry for tax purposes.
Extras: On camera bystanders in a motion picture, commercial, or other visual media. Extras are non-recognizable persons. Rates are negotiable for non-union; as
per contract for union.
Fashion Model: A model primarily used in the displaying of clothing and/or accessories.
Usually 5'10" to 6' tall for women and 6' to 6'2" for men.
Fashion Photographer: A photographer who is defined by his/her collection of work for shooting
models, magazines, catalogues, or other fashion images.
Fashion Show: A staged show featuring models displaying clothing for the purpose of
showcasing certain fashions and/or stores.
Featured Extras: On camera bystanders in a motion picture, commercial, or other visual media that are slightly more prominent than a non-recognizable extra performer.
Fee: The amount agreed to be paid to a talent for bookings.
Figure Model: A talent hired because of a stellar or unique body. Figure models are primarily
used to display swimwear, lingerie, active wear or other tight fitting or revealing clothing.
Film: A format used principally in movies and national commercial work.
First Refusal: A client that has the right of first refusal is assured that the talent they are
considering will be available to them for the booking should the decision be made to hire them. If given another
offer, the talent is honor bound to decline unless the first refusal client elects not to hire them.
Fit Model: A talent around whom clothes are designed or constructed.
Fitting: A time prior to a booking when a talent tries on clothing to ensure a proper fit.
Flat Rate: A fee established prior to a booking irrespective of time and conditions.
Freelance: To seek out work without Talent Agency or Management representation.
Full Length: A photo showing the talent from head-to-toe.
Gaffer: The production crew member in charge of lighting equipment.
Go-see: An audition, usually to meet with those coordinating an advertising campaign. It
is part of the process whereby a client selects those talent's to be utilized in the campaign.
Grip: The production crew member that typically helps set up and move equipment.
Hairstylist: One who arranges the talent's hair during a session.
Hand Model: A talent with exceptional hands used for advertising such things as rings,
dish soap, telephones, or farm equipment.
Headshot: A close-up photograph of a performer's head.
Holds: A term used when a talent is asked to hold a particular date for possible
booking consideration. Holds on talent should be confirmed or released 24
hours prior to booking.
Ice: A talent is said to be "on-ice" when they have agreed to hold a particular date for
a booking, and yet do not have all their booking details in hand. That date can not be released without
allowing the client the right of first refusal.
Industrial Film: A training program, slide show, or movie that is taken to promote a
company's product or services. Often seen privately within the company or for dealer training, sales,
trade shows or displays.
Industrial Narrator: A performer that presents the script directly to the camera (i.e.
the audience) for an Industrial Film. Also called On-Camera Spokesperson.
Jingle Singer: A performer who practices his/her voice artistry in song.
Line: A designer's particular collection for a certain fashion season. Also called Collection.
Location: In photography or production, meaning anywhere other than a studio.
Loupe: A magnifying tool used to enlarge images on a contact sheet.
Major Markets: Cities and regions where the population is heavier, i.e., New York,
Chicago and Los Angeles.
Manager: Cross Reference Talent Manager
Mannequin Modeling: Standing nearly still while displaying selected fashions as to give
the impression of a store mannequin.
Market Regions: A certain territory of the land, i.e. The Midwest, West, etc.
Minibook/Mini-portfolio: A smaller version of the talent's portfolio which can be sent to prospective clients to solicit assignments.
Model's Release: A form that is signed following the completion of a booking or photo shoot. The model signs this to allow the client the use of his/her image. All releases should be read carefully and approved by your Talent Agency of Manager prior to signing. Also called Talent Release. Many times this is combined with the talent voucher.
Model's Tote: A bag usually carried by models to their bookings containing tools required to
complete the assignment. Items included may be a makeup kit, hair accessories, static guard, a sewing kit,
and various kinds of undergarments.
Model: One whose image is seen as desirable and/or unique, and is contracted to draw
attention to themselves and that which they are displaying.
Modeling Agency: A company which promotes Talent in exchange for a commission on the
Talent's earnings. A Talent hires a Modeling Agency to represent them in the negotiation of contracts and
promotion of their abilities. Also called Talent Agency.
MOS: A performance where sound may be recorded, but the on-camera performer is seen in
the final product without sound.
Non-union Talent: A professional performer that has elected not to join a particular union. Rates are generally based on union scale, however may be negotiated on an
individual basis.
Nude Model: A model that poses without clothes.
On-Camera Talent: Recognizable speaking or non-speaking performers in a film or video.
Open Call: The time a Talent Agency sets aside to meet with prospective Talent without
scheduled appointments. Lori Lins Ltd. does not do open calls. We require approval and appointments for
Overtime: The time a talent spends on the set beyond the negotiated period. Overtime
normally requires a higher rate of pay.
Parts Model: A model that possesses something exceptional, such as hands, legs or
teeth, which can be used for specialized types of advertising.
Petite Model: Generally regarded as models under 5'7" (170cm), and possessing a small
Photo Movement: The process of moving from pose to pose in front of a camera.
Photo Session/Shoot: A scheduled time for the taking of photographs.
Plus Size Model: Generally regarded as models that wear a dress size of 12 or more,
possessing a larger frame.
Portfolio: A book, containing a Talents best work from photo shoots or tear sheets.
The portfolio is used to show to prospective clients, to showcase a model's diversity and experience.
Potential: A term used in conjunction with evaluating a Talents ability to succeed.
Print Modeling: Any type of modeling relating to the publishing of still photographs.
Print: A photograph. The standard size to fit a talent portfolio is 8" x 10".
Production Schedule: A schedule that tells everyone involved in a production their call
time, location and duties.
Production Services: Any and all services relating to the multitude of talents necessary
to complete a production. Professional stylists, costume services, event planning, staging/choreography,
tours and ground transportation, grips, gaffers, directors, soundmen, etc. Rates are available upon request.
Promotion Model: Talent who host/ess conventions or handle promotion assignments. They
may hand out brochures, souvenirs, or pose and attract people to a product or display. Also called Exhibit Model.
Proof Sheets: Another term for contact sheets or “Proofs” if reviewing digital thumbnails of a photo session
Props: Items used in conjunction with a set to enhance the overall image of the
PSA: A public service announcement which can be either radio, on-camera or print campaign
Purchase Agreement: The signed agreement LLL utilizes stating the conditions under which an arrangement will occur. (AKA contract)
Rate: The amount decided between a Talent, the Talent Agency and the client for the
time the Talent spends. Rates may be based on any number of factors and conditions.
Reel: Samples of a talents work that are utilized in the sale of the Talent abilities
Relationship With Talent: Lori Lins Ltd. acts solely as a Talent
manager. Talent
hire LLL to promote and secure assignments for them according to their
abilities. No policies contained herein
constitute an express or implied contract of employment between Lori Lins
Ltd. and any person.
Release: A form that is signed following the completion of a booking or photo shoot. The model signs this to allow the client the use of his/her image. All releases should be read carefully and approved by your Talent Agency or Manager prior to signing. Also called Model/Talent Release.
Reshoot: An additional session required to complete or make changes
in an advertising campaign.
Residual: An additional payment due as a result of usage above and
beyond that originally
agreed upon.
Resume: An information sheet listing experience, training and
abilities of the talent.
SAG: The Screen Actors Guild. This is a union, which has recently merged with the AFTRA union (see also AFTRA above) and is currently known as SAG-AFTRA. Sag-Aftra negotiates on behalf of performers who have paid dues to become members of their organization and/or who seek to work with advertisers and advertising agencies who have signed contracts with Sag-Aftra allowing them to hire UNION performers. UNION bookings are at minimum scale fees as found in the Sag-Aftra contracts, or at negotiated above minimum scale fees via a talent’s agency or manager.
Script: The dialog that will be used in the medium.
Sides: A section of the script used for auditioning.
Silent Bit: A performer who has a non-speaking recognizable extra
Slides: The developed 35mm film housed in cardboard or plastic
Snapshots: A set of casual shots, generally not on a professional
Specialty Model: Like a parts model. Has a certain niche that
makes the talent more
marketable in certain areas.
Specs: An assignment undertaken by a talent and photographer with
the intention of selling
the final product to the client. There is no guarantee of payment for
either party, it is completed on
speculation. No release should be signed until a sale/agreement has been
Spokesperson: Usually an attractive and well-spoken individual contracted to work in public, for an industrial film or in a commercial, telling about a particular product or service.
Spread: An ongoing (two or more pages) feature in a magazine that
follows a particular
Starter: The person backstage at a fashion show who tells models
when to enter the runway
area, and thereby controls the flow and timing of the event.
Statistics: The physical variables of a talent. Generally a
composite or headshot will contain
stats such as height, weight, hair, eye color, and shoe size for all...
bust, waist, hip measurements and dress size for
females, and jacket size, waist, inseam & shirt size for men.
Stills for Television: A print photo utilized in a TV campaign.
Stills for television are
booked at union scale when utilizing union talent. Negotiable for
Stills: Another word for print photography work; sometimes utilized
in TV campaigns as well.
Storyboard: An artist visualization of a script showing the
intended result, used before producing
a project.
Stylist: The person or persons on set who tend to the talents'
hair, makeup and wardrobe.
or arranges the tabletop attractively, or who makes the food look
delectable. Stylists are generally specialist
in a particular area.
Swimsuit Model: A model with an attractive figure to model
swimsuits. Height is not as
important a factor in swimsuit modeling as is proportions.
Taft-Hartley: A process by which non-union performers can do an introductory job under the union guidelines without joining. (Google search Taft-Hartley rule for complete information)
Talent Agency: A company which promotes talent in exchange for a commission on the Talent's earnings. A Talents hires an agency to represent them in the negotiation or contracts and promotion of their abilities. Also called Modeling Agency.
Talent Manager: A company which promotes talent, advises talent on marketing decisions, assists in the development of talent’s skills and directs their career. Oftentimes this same company will negotiate and book assignments for the talent in exchange for a commission on the Talent's earnings. A Talents hires an manager to represent them in all aspects of their career.
Talent Release: A form that is signed following the completion of a booking or photo shoot. The model signs this to allow the client the use of his/her image. All releases should be read carefully and approved by your Talent Agency or Manager prior to signing. Also called Model Release.
Talent: A performer, be it model, actor, actress or musician.
Tear Sheets: Pages from magazines or other printed matter featuring
the talent image in
circulation (as opposed to prints from photographers). Tear sheets are used
as proof that a model has
experience and the ability to work well. Also called Tears.
Teleprompter: A device attached to a camera that allows a performer
to read the script.
Tests/Test shoots/Testing: Photo shoots that the talent does to increase the amount of shots in his/her portfolio. Tests are normally done to give the model a different look than can already be found in his/her book, thereby showcasing the talent's diversity. Talent will not sign a photographic release unless specific arrangements have been made prior to the shooting. Tests can be in exchange for photos, but oftentimes photographers want to be paid by the talent for a test shooting.
Three-Quarter-Length: A photograph consisting of the talents' head,
torso and any area
below the waist, but above the ankles.
Time-for-Prints(TFP): An arrangement where a photographer agrees to
give a certain amount
of prints to a model in exchange for her time spent posing.
Tote: See "Model's Tote" cross reference.
Trade Show: A show containing booths and displays, geared toward a
certain segment
of the corporate world or their buyers. Talent are hired as spokespersons
and/or host/ess to attract attention
to the display or perform a show or speech informing a prospective client
about the display and products.
Also called Convention work. Host/ess, narrators, actors, actresses and
specialty act rates are available
upon request.
Trunk Show: A collection from a single designer, which generally
travels to selected stores
which retail that designers clothes. Small scale fashion shows are then
presented right in the store, before
the selection moves on.
TV. Commercial: A Talent assignment whereby the Talent acts and/or
speaks to sell a product
to be aired on television. Also called On-Camera.
Usage Fees: Similar to residuals in that the talent are paid extra
depending on the amount
of time their image is used in conjunction with an ad campaign.
Voice Artist: A performer that utilizes his/her voice to create
advertising, training or other
media campaign success.
Voice-Over: Any performance in which a Talent uses his/her voice to
create a commercial, or
sell a product, instruct or participate in voice artistry without being
Voucher: A form containing release language that is signed in triplicate at the completion of the booking. The voucher verifies the times and conditions of the completed booking. One copy is kept by the client, one by the Talent, and one by the Talent agency or manager. These forms are then used for billing purposes.
Wardrobe: A talent's collection of clothing.
Weather Permit: Conditions related to the weather that may affect a booking. On print and non-union bookings, no charge will apply for the first bad weather cancellation. All others are billed at half-fee unless otherwise negotiated. If Talent has already left for assignment upon postponement call, then full fee is charged.
Zed Card: Another name for a Composite card.